Start More Patients on PD and Keep them on Longer
The overwhelming reason providers are not able to keep patients on dialysis in the home, or prevents them from even starting home based dialysis in the first place is infection risk and peritonitis.
With the CloudCath Connect™ PD, automated fluid analytics and real-time notifications will enable providers to monitor for complications like peritonitis and follow up with patients quickly, so they can be confident in prescribing PD first and prolong their use of home modalities.
Early Detection
Hours Matter
The CloudCath System provides a significant clinical improvement for home peritoneal dialysis patients through early detection of changes in effluent turbidity, allowing for diagnosis of infection and other detectable abnormalities days earlier than the current standard of care.
Delay in treating peritonitis is associated with a significantly higher catheter removal rate of 16% vs. 38%¹ and an increased risk of PD failure and death by 7% for each hour of delay².

1. Oki R, Tsuji S, Hamasaki Y et al. “Time until treatment initiation is associated with catheter survival in peritoneal dialysis-related peritonitis”. Sci Rep. 2021 Mar 22
2.Muthucumarana, Kalindu et al. “The PROMPT Study.” Kidney international reports vol. 1,2 65-72. 2016 Jun 11
3. Mark Lambie, et. al. and the PDOPPS Steering Committee, Peritoneal Dialysis–Related Infection Rates and Outcomes: Results From the Peritoneal Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study, CJASN June 2022
4.CloudCath, “A Prospective Clinical Study to Evaluate the Ability of the CloudCath System to Detect Peritonitis Compared to Standard of Care during In-Home Peritoneal Dialysis (CATCH),” NCT04515498
Reimbursement and Contracting with CloudCath
CloudCath Connect™ PD is offered conveniently as a bundled active-patient subscription. There are no upfront costs to patients, providers, or physicians, and subscription fees do not exceed reimbursement.
- Device and Supplies: Providers enrolled in the CloudCath Connect™ PD Program deliver their patients the device. Device and supply related subscription is paid only after the patient generates monthly data and a reimbursement claim can be made. Ongoing supplies are scheduled to be shipped directly to the patient’s home at no additional cost.
- Care Management: CloudCath contracted services include the collection of the data, triaging device notices, and subsequent outreach to the patient, and other care coordination.

New and Innovative Device and Supplies
Qualifying Device
Because the device is by prescription only and is regulated by the FDA, CMS and most Commercial Payers recognize CloudCath Connect PD as a device that collects relevant physiologic data and is eligible for reimbursement under established Remote Patient Monitoring (RPM) CPT billing codes to the physician.

Remote Patient Management
Remote Monitoring
CloudCath Connect™ PD enables physicians to remotely monitor the physiologic data that the device is generating and the notices when the detection threshold has been triggered.
CloudCath Care Management services offer staffing for the collection of data, triage clinically actionable device notices, and coordinate care with the dialysis provider and/or physician. This includes patient outreach and ongoing monthly support under the general supervision of the physician and operating as auxiliary personnel "incident to" the practice as permitted by regulation.

Value-Based Contracting
Full-Risk Agreements
The combination of device, supplies, and care management services in a single agreement with outcomes based incentives can be offered for full-risk bearing entities who wish to contract with Cloudcath to offer CloudCath Connect PD to their patients.
Outcomes to be measured can include, but are not limited to, value drivers such as a reduction in hospitalizations due to peritonitis.
CloudCath Claims Adjudication Support
1. Billing Guidance:
In order to streamline the process of submitting reimbursement claims, CloudCath produces billing guidance in form of a “superbill” that documents the data collected by CloudCath Connect™ PD and provides information regarding relevant and applicable claim.
2. Claims Adjudication Support:
Additionally, when needed, CloudCath provides claims adjudication support to minimize reimbursement barriers.

Interested in learning more about offering CloudCath Connect™ PD to your patients?

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